Unleash Your Creativity with Art Success MASTERS

Unleash Your Creativity with Art Success MASTERS

Elevate your art with 50+ hours of college-level instruction, personalized guidance, and lifetime access.

Why Choose ASM?

Art Success MASTERS (ASM) Online Course

Join me if you wish to ELEVATE your ART in this comprehensive,

College-Level Online course!

Confidence and Personal Voice:

 ✔ ASM will build your CONFIDENCE and BELIEF in your

Comprehensive Lessons:

âś” This course contains 50+ hours of comprehensive lessons
(Videos, Recorded LIVE Calls, and downloadable full color
PDFS) which take a DEEPER DIVE into everything covered
in my flagship course, Powerful Design and Personal Color
(PDPC) course.
[Many artists either begin with PDPC, which helps
them establish a beginning foundation of skills in color and
design, or choose to go through PDPC when they reach Master Classes 7-11 in the ASM course, where they work on their series of paintings.

While PDPC is comparable to a "foundation level" college course,  ASM is considered an upper level, comprehensive college education, comparable or surpassing a BFA or even my MFA which I earned in 2010].

Proven Roadmap:

âś” To learn more about ASM, I highly recommend you watch
this FREE 1 hour Master Class - 4 Step Roadmap
your ART (HUGE Bonuses and Discounts on this course for
serious artists who complete this Free Master Class). It also
outlines what you will learn in all 12 Master Classes, each
designed for approximately one month's study in your studio
(You can of course go at your own, comfortable pace. There
is no pressure whatsoever to be at a certain master class by
a certain time.)

âś” Each of the 12 Master Classes builds on the previous one.
They follow my proven 4 Step Roadmap to MASTER your ART,
tested by over 700+ artists!

âś” ASM is geared for artists of ALL Levels and Mediums and is
meant to be repeated many times for best results and
continued growth for a LIFETIME!

âś” Each time you repeat and complete your ASM journey, you
can submit your work to qualify for an ASM Certificate
Completion, hand signed and dated by your instructor, Pamela Caughey.
You will also be invited to participate in our online graduation ceremony,
typically held in August of each year.

âś” ASM focuses on creating a strong foundation in the Visual
Language of Art with LIFETIME ACCESS.

Why I created my 4 step roadmap


âś” Each Master Class provides Painting Lessons/Exercises/Projects which will reinforce KEY concepts, foundations and skill in Color, Design, Abstract Composition and Personal Voice

âś” OPTIONAL (highly recommended): Join our Art and Success PRO membership community - available at 30% off during checkout - for additional support and interaction with instructor, Pamela Caughey, and access to a private PRO Facebook group of artists going through Art Success Masters!

âś” $2500 tuition, with several payment plans available


âś” *30 day money-back guarantee so you can try it out at no risk. Please note: 1) To protect my intellectual property rights, all PDFs are copyrighted and watermarked. 2) If you wish to request a refund, I require a zoom call meeting (or phone conversation) prior to issuing a refund so I can review your progress and better understand how to help you grow as an artist. After our conversation, I will issue the refund.)..


Is Art Success MASTERS Online course right for you?
Ready to Transform Your Art Skills?

What People are Saying about Art Success Masters:

Marlene Starr: I learned so much that in 6 months my craft room is now a studio! I’m so excited!

Andrea Galuza: I feel like it’s taken my painting to a whole new level.

Sue White: Before joining, I would get stuck in a painting, No one before…had taught me how to put everything I had learned together. Start with a blank canvas and get to the final product – so much easier for me!

Mary-Lou McDonald: I had no idea what I was in store for when I decided to sign up for Pam’s Art Success Masters Program!


Amy Whitehouse: I learned so much from ASM that I hardly know where to start.

Cynthia Lee –finally, the course that I needed to really pull together my own personal voice.


Fran Kalb: The VLA – Oh my gosh! I think that really was the missing piece for me.

Jessica Haskin: It’s taken me to another level – I can solve my own problems.


Linda Kane: I was understanding my work more than ever before.

Lisa DeBaets: When I was looking at my work I realized they had a common thread.


Tammy Alford: “Both of these courses (ASM and PDPC) have given me more instruction and practical tools to use than any workshop or college level course I've taken.”

Frequently Asked Questions

Purchase Art Success MASTERS

Your Instructor

Pamela Caughey grew up in Wisconsin, where she received her Bachelor of Science degree in Biochemistry from UW-Madison in 1983. After moving with her family to Hamilton, MT in 1986, she began her serious study of art, and in 2010 received her MFA in Painting and Drawing from the University of Montana School of Art. She works in many media, with special interest in cold wax/oil, encaustic, mixed media and acrylic. Her work is in the permanent collection of several museums and public buildings nationally and internationally and her work appears in the newly published book by Rebecca Crowell and Jerry McLaughlin, “Cold Wax Medium: Techniques, Concepts, Conversations”. After teaching foundations courses at the University of Montana, Bitterroot College, Montana, she is now a full time studio artist and teaches workshops from her Hamilton, Montana studio, within the US and abroad.




Pamela Caughey